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Antique Purple Star Spinel - GST1135
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 7.41 crts
Harga Rp. 5.500.000,00
Product Details... Blue Spinel - AZH1214
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 0.72 crts
Harga Rp 1.400.000,00
Product Details... Blue Spinel - AZH1215
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 0.87 crts
Harga Rp 1.200.000,00
Product Details... Blue Spinel - GST1449
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 1.13 crts
Harga Rp 1.400.000,00
Product Details... Blue Spinel - GST1491
Average customer rating:
Carat Weights : 1.15 crts
Harga Rp 2.100.000,00
Product Details... Bluish Green Spinel - SPNL13
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 2.49 crts
Harga Rp 1.000.000,00
Product Details... CB2021 - Purple Spinel
Average customer rating:
2.28 crts
Harga Rp.1.200.000,-
Product Details... Dark Purple Spinel - SPNL01
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 2.71 crts
Harga Rp 1.100.000,00
Product Details... Gahno Spinel - SBS267
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 3.87 crts
Harga Rp 15.500.000,00
Product Details... Orangey Pink Spinel - SABS315
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 2.18 crts
Harga Rp 1.600.000,00
Product Details... Orangy Pink Spinel - SAB16136
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 1.50 crts
Harga Rp 4.200.000,00
Product Details... Orangy Pink Spinel - SABS314
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 2.29 crts
Harga Rp 1.500.000,00
Product Details... Pink Spinel - SAB16134
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 1.71 crts
Harga Rp 3.500.000,00
Product Details... Pink Spinel - SAB16135
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 2.12 crts
Harga Rp. 6.200.000,00
Product Details... Pink Spinel - SAB16138
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 1.24 crts
Harga Rp 3.600.000,00
Product Details... Pink Spinel - SAB16139
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 1.51 crts
Harga Rp 3.800.000,00
Product Details... Pink Spinel - SABS317
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 2.26 crts
Harga Rp. 1.500.000,00
Product Details... Purple Spinel - AG0249
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 3.30 crts
Harga Rp 1.500.000,00
Product Details... Purple Spinel - FFJ720
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 2.27 crts
Harga Rp 1.300.000,00
Product Details... Purple Spinel - GST1438
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 3.97 crts
Harga Rp 1.800.000,00
Product Details... Purple Spinel - PBBG20
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 1.62 crts
Harga Rp 1.100.000,00
Product Details... Purple Spinel - SPNL08
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 2.49 crts
Harga Rp. 1.500.000,00
Product Details... Purple Star Spinel
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 3.06 crts
Harga Rp. 4.200.000,00
Product Details... Purple Star Spinel - GST1133
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 8.79 crts
Harga Rp 4.900.000,00
Product Details... Purple Star Spinel - GST1136
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 6.66 crts
Harga Rp 4.400.000,00
Product Details... Purple Star Spinel - GST1137
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 3.60 crts
Product Details... Purplish Pink Spinel - SPNL04
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 1.92 crts
Harga Rp 1.200.000,00
Product Details... Red Spinel - GST1548
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 1.33 crts
Harga Rp 2.000.000,00
Product Details... SABS316 - Orangey Pink Spinel
Average customer rating:
1.64 crts
Harga Rp.3.000.000,-
Product Details... Sky Blue Spinel - GST1436
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 2.29 crts
Harga Rp. 1.600.000,00
Product Details... Spinel - SDR1501
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 2.87 crts
Harga Rp 3.600.000,00
Product Details... Star Purple Spinel - ASS101
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 6.99 crts
Harga Rp. 5.200.000,00
Product Details... Star Spinel - SLM467
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 3.78 crts
Harga Rp 3.700.000,00
Product Details... Spinel adalah sebentuk mineral oksida dengan senyawa kimia Magnesium Aluminium (MgAl2O4) kristal sistem berbentuk Isometric. Dahulu Spinel sering dipakai untuk memalsukan Ruby atau Safir karena Spinel mempunyai formasi kristal octahedral dimana sering disalahartikan sebagai hexagonal crystal growth pada keluarga corundum dan hal ini terbukti bahwa kenyataannya permata yang dipakai untuk menghiasai Mahkota Kerajaan terkenal di benua Eropa ternyata Spinel adanya bukan Ruby atau Sapphire. Spinel diidentifikasikan dan diakui sebagai spesies yang berbeda dari corundum sejak tahun 1587, dan sekarang Spinel menjadi salah satu permata favorite bagi penghoby dan penggemar gemstone di dunia, beberapa nama pasar yang terkenal pada spinel antara lain adl: - Red Spinel: "Nobel Red Spinel" adalah warna merah pada spinel yang bernilai tinggi dan paling diminati oleh Gems Lover, warna merah vivid ini unik dan mirip dengan "Pigeon Blood Ruby". - Blue Spinel: "Cobalt Blue Spinel" adalah warna biru pada spinel yang sangat langka, bisa disebut medium vivid blue, seperti warna pigmen cobalt, warna biru ini menyerupai "Royal Blue Sapphire" - Sebaran warna lainnya: Colorless/bening, Pink, Orange, Hijau, Violet/Ungu (sampai saat ini belum ditemukan ada spinel kuning) Hardness: 8 Mohs scale Refractive Index: 1.718 Specific Gravity: 3.5 - 4.1
Results 1 - 33 of 33 |