se Zircon

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Wednesday, February 12, 2025
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Zircon feed

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Blue Zircon - CBG338

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 2.13 crts Harga Rp 1.400.000,00 
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Blue Zircon - GST1494

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight : 3.27 crts Harga Rp. 2.100.000,00 
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Blue Zircon - GST1495

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weights : 3.28 crts Harga Rp. 2.000.000,00 
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Blue Zircon - ZR5055

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 6.51 crts Harga Rp. 3.000.000,00 
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Blue Zircon Ring - ZR5058

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 5.48 crts Harga Rp. 3.000.000,00 
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Brown Zircon - SABZ4102

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 4.05 crts Harga Rp 1.400.000,00 
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Green Zircon - SABZ4104

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 5.92 crts Harga Rp 1.500.000,00 
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Green Zircon - ZC7811

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 19.53 crts Harga Rp. 3.000.000,00 
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Greenish Yellow Zircon - BB1372

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 1.33 crts Harga Rp 800.000,00 
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Greenish Yellow Zircon - BB5205

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 1.36 crts Harga Rp 1.000.000,00 
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Orangey Brown Zircon - SAB1811

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 14.73 crts Harga Rp 3.200.000,00 
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Pink Zircon - CB0631

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 3.28 crts Harga Rp 2.200.000,00 
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Pink Zircon - GST1437

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 2.93 crts Harga Rp 1.700.000,00 
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Purple Zircon - ZN8652

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 2.42 crts Harga Rp. 1.400.000,00 
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Yellowish Green Zircon - ZRR01

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 10.53 crts Harga Rp. 3.700.000,00 
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Zircon - KJ9666

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 2.13 crts Harga Rp. 1.300.000,00 
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Zircon - LMN887

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 15.39 crts Harga Rp. 1.400.000,00 
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Zircon - SAB14137

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 2.13 crts Harga Rp. 1.100.000,00 
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Zircon - SAB14145

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 2.08 crts Harga Rp. 1.300.000,00 
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Zircon - SABZ4101

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 7.80 crts Harga Rp. 2.700.000,00 
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Zircon - SABZ6123

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 1.36 crts Harga Rp. 1.200.000,00 
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Zircon - SABZ6124

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 1.41 crts HArga Rp. 1.500.000,00 
Product Details...

Zircon - SABZ6125

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 1.02 crts Harga Rp. 1.500.000,00 
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Zircon Cat Eye - SAB20ZR1

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 8.18 crts Harga Rp. 3.100.000,00 
Product Details...

Zircon Cat Eye - SAB20ZR2

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 3.78 crts Harga Rp 2.200.000,00 
Product Details...

Zircon info


Zircon adalah sebentuk mineral “zirconium silicate” sangat terkenal dan popular sebagai salah satu jenis batu permata berkulitas terkelompok dalam group crystal tetragonal. Variasi warna tersebar mulai dari warna biru, merah, coklat, hijau, kuning dan orange, colorless zircon mempunyai kemampuan memecahkan sinar putih menjadi berbagai spectrum warna oleh karena itu white zircon sering dipakai sebagai tiruan berlian.

Zircon yang berkualitas tinggi mempunyai luster yang menyerupai diamond/berlian (Adamantine luster).


Birthstone: December


Mohs hardness



6 – 7.5




Refractive Index: 1.93 – 1.98

Relative Density: 4.6 – 4.7


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Mrs. King Giok Hwa

Mr. Wang Fung

Surabaya 60114, Jawa Timur

HP: 08883501243
HP: 0816534359




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