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Blue Moonstone - GST1442
Average customer rating:
Carat Weights : 6.63 crts
Harga Rp. 1.800.000,00
Product Details... Blue Moonstone - GST1443
Average customer rating:
Carat Weights : 5.24 crts
Harga Rp. 1.800.000,00
Product Details... Blue Moonstone - GST1446
Average customer rating:
Carat Weights : 6.74 crts
Harga Rp. 2.000.000,00
Product Details... Brown Moonstone - MNS06
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 12.65 crts
Harga Rp. 1.700.000,00
Product Details... CL7624 - White Moonstone
Average customer rating:
7.10 crts
Harga Rp.360.000,-
Product Details... GM8236 - Bluish White Moonstone
Average customer rating:
4.15 crts
Harga Rp.1.200.000,-
Product Details... GR1178 - Moonstone
Average customer rating:
3.47 crts
Harga Rp.1.800.000,-
Product Details... GST1009 - Moonstone
Average customer rating:
4.14 crts
Harga Rp.1.440.000,-
Product Details... GST1444 - Blue Moonstone
Average customer rating:
Carat Weights : 3.67 crts
Harga Rp 1.700.000,00
Product Details... GST1445 - Blue Moonstone
Average customer rating:
Carat Weights : 5.58 crts
Harga Rp 1.600.000,00
Product Details... Light Brownish Yellow Moonstone - SAM2811
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 35.40 crts
Harga Rp. 1.400.000,00
Product Details... Light White Moonstone - FDA002
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 2.40 crts
Harga Rp 700.000,00
Product Details... MCE007 - Moonstone Cats Eye
Average customer rating:
3.70 crts
Harga Rp.900.000,-
Product Details... MCE010 - Moonstone Cat Eye
Average customer rating:
4.03 crts
Harga Rp.900.000,-
Product Details... MCE012 - Moonstone Cat Eye
Average customer rating:
3.18 crts
Harga Rp.900.000,-
Product Details... MCE013 - Moonstone Cat Eye
Average customer rating:
3.67 crts
Harga Rp.900.000,-
Product Details... MCE014 - Moonstone Cat Eye
Average customer rating:
3.34 crts
Harga Rp.900.000,-
Product Details... MNS01 - Very Light Grey Moonstone Ring
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 23.29 crts
Harga Rp 1.600.000,00
Product Details... MNS02 - Light Brownish Orange Moonstone
Average customer rating:
14.76 crts
harga Rp.1.800.000,-
Product Details... Moonstone - AF1544
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 3.99 crts
Harga Rp. 1.400.000,00
Product Details... Moonstone - FSR973
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 16.11 crts
Harga Rp. 2.000.000,00
Product Details... Moonstone - GJ6052
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 2.09 crts
Harga Rp. 1.300.000,00
Product Details... Moonstone - GST1011
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 13.22 crts
Harga Rp. 3.000.000,00
Product Details... Moonstone - MJY2121
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 12.89 crts
Harga Rp. 1.700.000,00
Product Details... Moonstone - MNS08
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 17.22 crts
Harga Rp. 800.000,00
Product Details... Moonstone - OG3389
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 16.94 crts
Harga Rp. 1.200.000,00
Product Details... Moonstone Cat Eye - MCE009
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 3.81 crts
Harga Rp 850.000,00
Product Details... Moonstone Cat Eye - MCE011
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 4.76 crts
Harga Rp. 1.000.000,00
Product Details... Moonstone Cat Eye - MCE016
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 22.44 crts
Harga Rp. 2.000.000,00
Product Details... Moonstone Cat's Eye - MNS03
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 5.49 crts
Harga Rp 1.500.000,00
Product Details... MYJ212 - Moonstone
Average customer rating:
13.93 crts
Harga Rp.1.200.000,-
Product Details... MYJ214 - Star Moonstone
Average customer rating:
6.18 crts
Harga Rp.1.200.000,-
Product Details... MYJ552 - Star Moonstone
Average customer rating:
6.39 crts
Harga Rp.1.800.000,-
Product Details... OG3067 - Moonstone
Average customer rating:
15.73 crts
Harga Rp.1.800.000,-
Product Details... Orange Moonstone - AG7057
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 8.15 crts
Harga Rp 500.000,00
Product Details... Orange Moonstone - MNS05
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 45.80 crts
Harga Rp. 2.000.000,00
Product Details... Orange Moonstone - OG3136
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 10.20 crts
Harga Rp 1.000.000,00
Product Details... PG3063 - Very Light Green Moonstone
Average customer rating:
9.20 crts
Harga Rp.600.000,-
Product Details... Very Light Moonstone - MNS04
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: 21.60 crts
Harga Rp. 2.000.000,00
Product Details... White Moonstone Jewelry Set - DD2326
Average customer rating:
Carat Weight: Approx. 9.6 crts (11 pcs)
Harga Rp. 1.700.000,00
Product Details... Moonstone info
Moonstone atau batu Biduri Bulan adalah sebentuk mineral silica dengan rumus kimia KAlSi3O8. Karakter batu jenis ini adalah kilauan pada permukaan batu terhadap cahaya yang diterima jika batu tersebut digoyangkan, optical effect seperti ini disebut “adularescence”, cahaya yang berpendar seperti cahaya bulan inilah yang membuat batu ini disebut Moonstone atau Biduri Bulan.
Biduri bulan yang terdapat di alam sering ditemukan dengan warna abu-abu, putih, pink, hijau dan coklat, tetapi yang paling berharga dan langka adalah yang berwarna “deep blue”.
Biduri Bulan kental sekali dengan misteri atau mistik bagi yang percaya, di beberapa kebudayaan sebagai contoh di India, penggunaan batu ini dihubungkan dengan sesuatu yang “suci”, batu permata dengan kekuatan magis, juga sering disebut “dream stones” yang dipercaya pemakainya akan memiliki penglihatan yang baik pada waktu malam; sedangkan di negara-negara di Timur Tengah, para wanita menggunakan moonstones yang disematkan di pakaian, menurut kebudayaan mereka “moonstone/biduri bulan” adalah symbol untuk kesuburan atau produktifitas.
Results 1 - 40 of 40 |