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Jade / Giok feed

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Results 1 - 50 of 62

Black Jade - LM3833

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 15.43 crts Harga Rp. 1.500.000,00 
Product Details...

Black Jade - LM3834

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 13.26 crts Harga Rp 1.400.000,00 
Product Details...

Black Jade - LM3836

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 13.59 crt Harga Rp 1.400.000,00 
Product Details...

Brown Jade - CL7391

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 4.95 crts Harga Rp. 2.000.000,00 
Product Details...

Brown Jade - GST1093

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 9.26 crts Harga Rp. 1.600.000,00 
Product Details...

Brownish Orange Jade - CL4505

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 2.66 crts Harga Rp. 1.400.000,00 
Product Details...

Giok Birma - GST1195

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 11.80 crts Harga Rp. 1.200.000,00 
Product Details...

GR3426 - Jade

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
229.06 crts Harga Rp.1.440.000,- 
Product Details...

Green Jade Necklace - JD5386

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 29.07 crts Harga Rp 1.700.000,00 
Product Details...

GST1157 - Giok Burma

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
20.39 crts Harga Rp.1.600.000,- 
Product Details...

GST1158 - Jade

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
14.53 crts Harga Rp.1.200.000,- 
Product Details...

GST1177 - "Ijo Sayur" Nephrite Jade

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
11.28 crts Harga Rp.500.000,- 
Product Details...

GST1178 - Nephrite Jade

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
7.72 crts Harga Rp.900.000,- 
Product Details...

GST1179 - Nephrite Jade "Ijo Trothol Sayur"

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
9.44 crts Harga Rp.700.000,- 
Product Details...

GST1180 - Nephrite Jade "Ijo Trothol Sayur"

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
42.73 crts Harga Rp.1.200.000,- 
Product Details...

GST1218 - Jade

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
83.06 crts & 75.56 crts Harga Rp.1.800.000,- 
Product Details...

GST1235 - Giok Burma

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 5.88 crts Harga Rp 1.300.000,00 
Product Details...

GST1236 - Giok Burma

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
2.35 crts Harga Rp.1.200.000,- 
Product Details...

GST1237 - Giok Burma

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
2.57 crts Harga Rp.1.200.000,- 
Product Details...

GST1295 - "Tiger's Head" HETIAN JADE

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
104.08 crts Harga Rp.1.200.000,- 
Product Details...

GST1536 - Jadeite Jade

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 62.81 crts Harga Rp 29.000.000,00 
Product Details...

Jade - CL1571

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 5.28 crts Harga Rp 1.200.000,00 
Product Details...

Jade - CL2454

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 21.82 crts Harga Rp. 1.400.000,00 
Product Details...

Jade - CL4689

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Harga Rp 1.000.000,00 
Product Details...

Jade - CL9063

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 5.52 crts Harga Rp. 2.000.000,00 
Product Details...

Jade - GFB1741

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 20.03 crts Harga Rp. 2.500.000,00 
Product Details...

Jade - GL81925

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 3.58 crts Harga Rp. 8.100.000,00 
Product Details...

Jade - GL81926

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 3.37 crts Harga Rp. 8.600.000,00 
Product Details...

Jade - GPC11

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 7.00 crts Harga Rp. 1.200.000,00 
Product Details...

Jade - GPC12

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 7.05 crts Harga Rp. 1.400.000,00 
Product Details...

Jade - GPC13

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 6.79 crts Harga Rp. 1.500.000,00 
Product Details...

Jade - GPC14

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 5.54 crts Harga Rp. 1.400.000,00 
Product Details...

Jade - GPC15

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 4.85 crts Harga Rp. 1.400.000,00 
Product Details...

Jade - GST1145

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 8.33 crts Harga Rp. 1.700.000,00 
Product Details...

Jade - JD5388

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 30.57 crts Harga Rp 1.300.000,00 
Product Details...

Jade Bangle - CL9829

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 190.85 crts Harga Rp. 900.000,00 
Product Details...

Jade Bangle - GR3428

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 183.04 crts Harga Rp 1.500.000,00 
Product Details...

Jade Ring - CLP414

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 50.31 crts Harga Rp 1.200.000,00 
Product Details...

Jade Ring - GST1140

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 26.92 crts Harga Rp 1.400.000,00 
Product Details...

Jadeite Jade - CL9909

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 3.56 crts Harga Rp. 900.000,00 
Product Details...

Jadeite Jade - GST1537

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 27,29 crts Harga Rp. 3.200.000,00 
Product Details...

Jadeite Ring - GST1144

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight : 29.32 crts Harga Rp 1.100.000,00 
Product Details...

JD5384 - Jade

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
61.48 crts Harga Rp.1.200.000,- 
Product Details...

JD5385 - Jade

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
22.80 crts Harga Rp.1.200.000,- 
Product Details...

JD5387- Jade

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
25.95 crts Harga Rp.1.200.000,- 
Product Details...

JD5389 - Jade

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
22.02 crts Harga Rp.1.200.000,- 
Product Details...

JL2191 - Very Dark Green (Black) Jade

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
6.51 crts Harga Rp.36.000.000,- 
Product Details...

JL8770 - Imperial Jade

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Harga Rp.92.000.000,- 
Product Details...

JL9944 - Crystal Jade

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
3.18 crts Harga Rp.88.000.000,- 
Product Details...

Jungle Green Jade - GST1141

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 12.25 crts Harga Rp. 2.400.000,00 
Product Details...

Jade atau lebih dikenal di Indonesia dengan sebutan " Giok " adalah sebentuk batu hijau yang bila dipoles mengkilat mengeluarkan luster yang cemerlang, tetapi sebetulnya Jade atau Giok itu merupakan sebutan bagi dua jenis mineral yang berbeda yaitu Jadeite dan Nephrite, juga warnanya tidak selalu hijau melainkan ada yang berwarna putih, ungu/lavender, kuning, coklat, orange, hitam, abu-abu dan biru.

Berikut perbedaan antara Jadeite dan Nephrite:

1. Jadeite
Adalah Giok yang berkualitas tinggi, dengan komposisi mineral Pyroxene yang kaya akan aluminium klasifikasi kimia silicate-pyroxene, rumus kimia NaAlSi2O6 atau Na(Al,Fe3+)Si2O6
Hardness: 6.5 - 7 Mohs scale
Specific Gravity: 3.3 - 3.5
Refractive Index: 1.654 - 1.673

2. Nephrite
Juga disebut Giok tapi dengan kualitas yang lebih rendah dari Jadeite, komposisi mineral Amphibole yang kaya akan calcium - magnesium klasifikasi silicate-amphibole, rumus kimia Ca2(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2
Hardness: 5 - 6 Mohs scale
Specific Gravity: 2.9 - 3.0
Refractive Index: 1.600 - 1.627

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Results 1 - 50 of 62


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Mrs. King Giok Hwa

Mr. Wang Fung

Surabaya 60114, Jawa Timur

HP: 08883501243
HP: 0816534359




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