se Sunstone

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Thursday, February 13, 2025
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Sunstone feed

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Bloodshot Sunstone - JFG525

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
4.65 crts Harga Rp.1.500.000,- 
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GLR111 - Sunstone

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
10.17 crts Harga Rp.1.800.000,- 
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Golden Sunstone - GFB582

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
9.67 crts Harga Rp.1.500.000,- 
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Golden Sunstone Cat Eye - GJ5974

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
5.58 crts Harga Rp.2.000.000,- 
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SPG031 - Sunstone

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
5.49 crts Harga Rp.2.400.000,- 
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SPG924 - Sunstone

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
7.76 crts Harga Rp.1.800.000,- 
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Star Sunstone - GST1053

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
66.84 crts Harga Rp.3.000.000,- 
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Sunstone - OPG512

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 5.55 crts Harga Rp. 1.100.000,00 
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Sunstone Gem - SS6519

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 14.10 crts Harga Rp. 1.100.000,00 
Product Details...

Sunstone adalah sebentuk mineral dari plagioklas feldspar terbentuk dari unsur kimia sodium calcium aluminium sillicate (Ca,Na)((Al,Si)2Si2O8) ada sebuah veritas yang disebut sebagai Oregon sunstone, sesuai dengan namanya, mineral ini diketemukan di Eastern Lake Harney County, Oregon, jenis ini istimewa karena inklusi dalam nya berupa kristal tembaga merah yang membuat warnanya menarik dan disukai untuk dipergunakan sebagai bahan perhiasan.

Menurut sebuah komunitas yang disebut "Crystal Healing Club", Sunstone dipercaya sebagai "a crystal of good luck and happiness" berikut adalah kutipan yang kami ambil dari club tersebut:

Sunstone Meaning – Magical Sunstone Properties

  • Sunstone is a leadership stone, and brings leadership qualities to its wearer
  • Lift depression and increase self-esteem and self-worth
  • Bring good luck and protection, turning negative energies and psychic attacks into positive energies
  • Powerful stone for dispelling fears and phobias of all kinds
  • Use this stone to increase personal power and boost extra energy

Sunstone Meaning – Sunstone Healing Powers

  • Sunstone is an excellent stone for promoting its wearer’s self-healing powers
  • Ensure the harmonious functioning of all organs
  • Increase sexual energy and decrease sexual dysfunction
  • Promote good humor, cheerfulness and a good temper
  • Find the stamina needed to undertake projects and tasks

Hardness: 6.5 - 7 Mohs scale

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