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Thursday, February 13, 2025
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Results 1 - 50 of 2020

"No Heat" Blue Sapphire - IMT2737

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
3.57 crts Harga Rp.100.000.000,- 
Product Details...

"No Heat" Blue Sapphire - IMT2739

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
3.21 crts Harga Rp.90.000.000,- 
Product Details...

"Royal Blue" Lapis Lazuli Pendant - GST1432

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Total Weight: 3.50 gram (set on pendant) Harga Rp 1.100.000,00 
Product Details...

12 Rays Star Black Sapphire - GST1017

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 6.71 crts Harga Rp 5.200.000,00 
Product Details...

8020 - Pyrite

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
23.47 crts Harga Rp.360.000,- Price: USDT 36 
Product Details...

ABW169 - Kalung Mutiara

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Harga Rp.1.200.000,- Panjang 33 cm 
Product Details...

AC1759 - Carnelian

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
19.97 crts Harga Rp.1.800.000,- 
Product Details...

Actinolite Cat's Eye - S0192

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 3.28 crts Harga Rp 2.000.000,00 
Product Details...

AEM872 - Smithsonite

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 39.42 crts Harga Rp 1.400.000,00 
Product Details...

AFR03 - Star Ruby

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
3.21 crts Harga Rp.1.200.000,- 
Product Details...

AFR07 - Star ruby

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
3.71 crts Harga Rp.1.200.000,- 
Product Details...

African Star Ruby - FG6400

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 4.31 crts Harga Rp. 3.400.000,00 
Product Details...

African Star Ruby - GST1418

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 25.53 crts Harga Rp. 6.100.000,00 
Product Details...

African Star Ruby - GST1469

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 57.63 crts Harga Rp. 5.100.000,00 
Product Details...

African Star Ruby - GST1471

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 28.80 crts Harga Rp 3.900.000,00 
Product Details...

AG3088 - Pyrope Garnet

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
13.88 crt Harga Rp.3.600.000,- 
Product Details...

AG3705 - Brown Topaz

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
15.31 crts Harga Rp.1.200.000,- 
Product Details...

AG8684 - Ametrine

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Weight: 4.66 crts Harga Rp 1.100.000,00 
Product Details...

Agate - ZT7179

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 18.8 crts Harga Rp 550.000,00 
Product Details...

AGC123 - Agate

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
71.32 crts Harga Rp.600.000,- 
Product Details...

AGC6980 - Agate

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
21 crts Harga Rp.600.000,- 
Product Details...

AGC8415 - Agate

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
31 crts Harga Rp.600.000,- 
Product Details...

AGS152 - Ammonite

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
1.40 crts Harga Rp.840.000,- 
Product Details...

AGS823 - Blue Sapphire

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
5.19 crts Harga Rp.1.440.000,- 
Product Details...

AH6709AB - Ammonite

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Harga Rp.2.400.000,- 
Product Details...

AHM901 - Emerald

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
7.33 crts Harga Rp.30.000.000,- 
Product Details...

AHMC02 - Yellow Sapphire Ring

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: est. 7.87 crts Harga Rp 2.200.000,00 
Product Details...

AHMG1510 - Star Sapphire

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
3.02 carats Harga Rp.2.400.000,- 
Product Details...

AHMG1511 - Black Star Sapphire

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
3.17 carats Harga Rp.2.400.000,- 
Product Details...

AHMG1513 - Black Golden Star Sapphire

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
4.98 carats Harga Rp.3.600.000,- 
Product Details...

AHMG1516 - Black Star Sapphire

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
2.68 carats Harga Rp.3.600.000,- 
Product Details...

AJ1029 - Tiger's Eye

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
68.95 crts Harga Rp.420.000,- 
Product Details...

AJ3291 - Mottled Green Jasper

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
75.05 crts Harga Rp.600.000,- 
Product Details...

AJ4155 - Rhodochrosite

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
est.46.73 crts Harga Rp.600.000,- 
Product Details...

AJI2001 - Grey Star Sapphire

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
7.78 crts Harga Rp.6.000.000,- 
Product Details...

Akik Ijo Seger - PP3023

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 14.40 crts Harga Rp 2.900.000,00 
Product Details...

Akik Kuning Cempaka - NRC3

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 9.97 crts Harga Rp 1.600.000,00 
Product Details...

Akik Pandan - GST1077

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Weight: 15.93 crts Harga Rp 1.700.000,00 
Product Details...

AKK01 - Red & Black Picture Agate

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat weight: 8.06 crts Harga Rp 1.100.000 
Product Details...

ALA02 - Moss Agate Chalcedony

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
19.25 crts Harga Rp.1.200.000,- 
Product Details...

Alex Cat Eye - ALX02

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 0.86 crts Harga Rp 2.000.000,00 
Product Details...

Alex Cat Eye - ALX03

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 0.96 crts Harga Rp 2.500.000,00 
Product Details...

Alex Cat Eye - ALX06

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 0.92 crts Harga Rp 1.800.000,00 
Product Details...

Alex Cat Eye - ALX08

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 0.83 crts Harga Rp 1.800.000,00 
Product Details...

Alex Cat Eye - ALX09

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 1.32 crts Harga Rp. 2.600.000,00 
Product Details...

Alex Cat Eye - FER6

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 1.11 crts Harga Rp. 1.400.000,00 
Product Details...

Alex Cat Eye - FS4629

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 3.11 crts Harga Rp. 18.200.000,00 
Product Details...

Alex Cat's Eye - FRQ03

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 2.09 crts Harga Rp. 36.500.000,00 
Product Details...

Alexandrite -SBS260

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 3.20 crts Harga Rp 7.700.000,00 
Product Details...

Alexandrite Cate Eye - FER205

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
Carat Weight: 1.14 crts Harga Rp 1.000.000,00 
Product Details...

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Results 1 - 50 of 2020


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